Ingrown Toenails Fort Worth, TX

Get Ingrown Toenail Relief Today

Ingrown toenails are common foot injuries caused by thickened or folded skin around the corner of your toenails. Pain and redness can spread across the nail, surrounding tissue, and entire toes. In some cases, the sides of the nails become embedded in the skin below. Several factors can cause ingrown toenails, but most commonly, they are caused by improper trimming. If this is your first time in our office, let us demonstrate how to cut your toenails properly and avoid future problems with ingrown toenails. Think your ingrown toenails are caused by genetics? Think again. Many things can cause ingrown toenails, including trauma, improper trimming, improperly sized footwear, and nail conditions. At Metroplex Foot & Ankle Center in Fort Worth, we can help you get rid of that painful ingrown toenail. Metroplex Foot and Ankle Center can be reached at 817-595-1310 to learn more about toenail relief.


Ingrown toenails occur when the nail's edge grows into the toe's side. This can happen if you cut your nails too short or wear ill-fitting shoes, especially flip-flops and sandals. You may also experience ingrown toenails if that area has become infected with fungus or bacteria or if your feet are too narrow. If a few layers of skin become infected, pus and blood will build up below the ingrown portion of your toenail and produce pressure bumps on your toes, making walking painful. Ingrown toenails are one of the most common foot problems. Although they can appear in any area, they most often happen at the corners of the big toes. They occur when the nail's corner catches against the skin and forms a tunnel under the nail that becomes inflamed, infected, and painful. We want to help you with your ingrown toenail problem, so please call us today..


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